I am here for you.



Initial Meeting

Online or by telephone, this time will be spent connecting you and Alison to discuss your needs.

20 min. | Free | Get Started

One on One Session

This is a 50-minute individual session where you will collaborate with Alison in exploring the areas of your life that you desire to process and change. You will receive guidance, support and structure in transforming your life while reconnecting with yourself.

50 min. | $125 | Get Started

Two on One Couples Session

This is a 50 minute couples session where you will work as a team with Alison exploring the areas of your relationship that hinder progress or allows unhealthy patterns to repeat. You will work with your partner in learning new skills and tools to implement in creating the relationship you have always dreamed of.

50 min. | $150 | Get Started

Two on One Intensive Couples Session

In the span of 90 minutes, you and your partner will participate in a comprehensive and structured session with Alison. This length of time allows for the tools and skills that you learn, to be applied in real time. Feedback and clear direction is provided as you engage together in between your sessions.

90 min. | $200 | Get Started

Course Consult Call

This meeting can be done over phone or video. We will discuss what you have learned from the course you've chosen to complete. You will be able to ask questions, clarify ideas and process some of your findings. I will help shed light and insight on the areas you need guidance with. I look forward to exploring everything you learn, together.

30 min. | $50 | Get Started


“ Sincerely sorry for the early morning text but I couldn’t sleep last night cause I was still coming off a high from our session. Such a boost of confidence. You’ve been exactly what my recovery has needed at the right moment in time. Thank you, Alison. Truly. ”

-L.P. Client

Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.